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Tuwilê Raizes is a geographer, activist, visual artist, researcher and educator. He holds a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and a master's degree in Human Geography from the University of São Paulo (USP).  Among the areas in which he works, interdisciplinarity is a reference in his practices. In the production of the stencil, it is possible to see how geographical graphics relate to an urban aesthetic concerned with the representation of ethnic-racial discussions and the revision of visualities.  In this path, Tuwilê participated as a participating artist in the Illustration of the Opiniães Magazine number 10, dossier "Black presence in Brazilian literature" (2017); artist at the StencilArt Prize exhibition in Sydney - Australia (2017).The artist created in 2019 a panel inside the \Ballet Paraisópolis, with representations of dancers from the corps de ballet. He was an art educator | visual artist in the project "Afro Brazilian Culture" in the SparksSchool network in Soweto - South Africa (2019). He also acted as a guest art educator in the project Virada de Cores- Favela do Heliópolis (2019) and in the panel Grafias Negras at the Municipal School of São Paulo Enzo Antonio Silvestrin. Today he is a PhD student at USP where he has been conducting studies on the use of Hip-Hop and Graffiti as a pedagogical tool.

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